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Moritz Renner Group


Häufig ist die Posaune nur als Instrument im Satz oder Big Band-Kontext zu finden; in diesem Fall steht sie als Soloinstrument im Mittelpunkt der Band. In seinen Eigenkompositionen gelingt es Moritz Renner, der traditionellen Quintett-Besetzung frischen Wind zu verleihen, indem "veraltete" Strukturen aufgebrochen werden und er durch komplexe Harmonik und Rhythmik neue Klangfarben entstehen lässt. Zentraler Bestandteil seiner Kompositionen ist dabei die "Sinngebung".

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"Not only am I really proud to participate on Moritz Renner`s first release as a leader but to also celebrate a great young talent who totally respects the jazz tradition, using it as a platform for modern creative exploration. Moritz is a truly gifted trombonist with a beautiful sound and reveals himself on this recording as a serious composer of mature status. Through thoughtful arranging of this traditional quintet instrumentation he creates textures that surprise and delight. Even though he is a soft spoken gentleman I am impressed by his high risk excursions in free improvisations, complex harmonies and some tricky odd meter polyrhythms. The repertoire here portrays a wandering multi-culture of inspiring emotions up-to-date with todays trends and reassured with the echo of yesterday."

- jazztrombonist Adrian Mears

"Erlenmatt" - Comp. Moritz Renner

00:00 / 08:21

"Searching" - Comp. Moritz Renner

00:00 / 05:36
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Moritz Renner

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Max Treutner

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Noe Secula

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Paul Brauner

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Valentin Renner

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